IP Adresa:

kraftící recepty

Nevíte jak vyrobit Crafting table, truhlu, lopatu nebo třeba žebřík? Ve hře se bez zpracování jednotlivých surovin (tzv. Crafting) rozhodně neobejdete. Musíte vyrábět potřebné předměty či bloky. K tomu však potřebujete znát správné kombinace – recepty, které naleznete na tomhle místě. Suroviny je potřeba umístit přesně podle obrázků.

Bez použití tzv. Crafting Table máte k dispozici pouze tabulku 2×2. Až pomocí Crafting Table můžete vytvářet předměty v tabulce o rozměrech 3×3.

Jednoduché předměty

Crafting Planks1Wooden Planks (dřevěné desky)

Můžou být použity ke stavbě budov, hlavně jsou však důležité při tvorbě dalších předmětů.

Potřebné suroviny: Wood (dřevo)



Crafting SticksSticks

Použité jako rukojeť nástrojů a při tvorbě plotů, žebříků, cedulí, obrazů, pochodní..

Potřebné suroviny: 2x Wooden Planks



Crafting TorchesTorches

Nejlepší zdroj světla, roztavují led a sníh.

Potřebné suroviny: Stick a Coal nebo Charcoal



Crafting WorkbenchCrafting Table

Po položení na zem jsou používány k tvorbě předmětů v tabulce 3×3.

Potřebné suroviny: 4x Wooden Planks



Crafting FurnaceFurnance

Umožňuje tavení/pečení.

Potřebné suroviny: 8x Cobblestone



Crafting ChestChest

Truhla poskytuje 27 slotů pro vaše předměty.

Potřebné suroviny: 8x Wooden Planks



Recepty bloků

Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Ore Blocks Gold Ingots, Iron Ingots, Diamonds a Lapis Lazuli Dye Crafting Ore Blocks1
Glowstone Block Glowstone Dust Crafting Brimstone
Blok se stejnými vlastnostmi jako pochodeň.
TNT Block 5 Sulphur and 4 Sand Crafting TNT Block
Způsobuje výbuch a ničí bloky kolem sebe.
Cloth Block String Crafting Cloth Block
Clay Block Clay Crafting Clay Block
Brick Block Clay Bricks Crafting Brick Block
Realistický stavební materiál.
Snow Block Snowballs Crafting Snow Block
Bookshelf 6 Wooden Planks a 3 Books Crafting BookshelfDekorace.
Sandstone 4 Sand Crafting Sandstone
Slabs 3 Cobblestone nebo 3 Stone nebo 3 Sandstone nebo 3 Wooden Planks Crafting Steps
Poloviční blok, lze ho přejít bez skákání. Vhodný pro schody, obrubníky..
Stairs 6 Wooden Planks nebo Cobblestone Crafting stairs
Schody, zabírají méně místa než poloviční bloky.
Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin a Torch Crafting Jack O Lantern
Více světla než pochodeň, svítí i pod vodou.

Recepty nástrojů.

Name Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Pickaxes Sticks a Wooden Planks nebo Cobblestone nebo Iron Ingots nebo Gold Ingots nebo Diamond Gems. Crafting Pickaxes1
Shovels Sticks a Wooden Planks nebo Cobblestone nebo Iron Ingots nebo Gold Ingots nebo Diamond Gems. Crafting Shovels
Hoes Sticks a Wooden Planks nebo Cobblestone nebo Iron Ingots nebo Gold Ingots nebo Diamond Gems. Crafting Hoes
Použití pro získání semen z trávy nebo pro přípravu půdy pro farmaření.
Axes Sticks a Wooden Planks nebo Cobblestone nebo Iron Ingots nebo Gold Ingots nebo Diamond Gems Crafting Axes
Bucket 3 Iron Ingots Crafting Bucket
Nádoba na lávu, mléko nebo vodu.
Flint and Steel 1 Iron Ingot a 1 Steel Crafting Flint and Steel
Zapalování předmětů/bloků.
Shears 2 Iron Ingots Crafting Shears
Slouží ke stříhání ovcí, získávání bloků listí a rychlejšímu ničení bloků vlny.
Fishing Rod 3 Sticks a 2 String Crafting Fishing Rod
Umožňuje chytání ryb.
Compass 4 Iron Ingots a 1 Redstone Dust Crafting Compass
Navádí ke spawnu.
Watch 4 Gold Ingots a 1 Redstone Dust Crafting Watch
Ukazují čas.
Map 8 Paper a Compass Crafting Map
Zobrazuje plochu 32×32 chunků (1024×1024 bloků). Střed mapy je v místě, kde byla vyrobena.

Recepty na zbraně

Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Swords Stick a 2 of either Wooden Planks nebo Cobblestone nebo Iron nebo Gold nebo Diamonds Crafting Swords
Bow 3 Sticks a 3 String Crafting Bow
Arrows Flint a Feather a Stick Crafting Arrows

Recepty brnění

Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Helmets 5 Leather nebo Gold nebo Iron nebo Diamond Crafting Helmets
Chestplates 8 Leather nebo Gold nebo Iron nebo Diamond Crafting Chestplates
Leggings 7 Leather nebo Gold nebo Iron nebo Diamond Crafting Leggings
Boots 4 Leather nebo Gold nebo Iron nebo Diamond Crafting Boots


Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Rails Stick a 6 Iron Ingots Crafting Minecart Tracks
Koleje pro vozíky.
Powered Rails Stick a 6 Gold Ingots a Redstone Dust Powered Rail
Zrychlení a zpomalení vozíků.
Detector Rails Stone Pressure Plate a 6 Iron Ingots a Redstone Dust Detector Rail
Kolej aktivovaná po najetí vozíku.
Minecart Iron Ingots Crafting Minecart
Určený k transportu hráčů.
Powered Minecart Furnace a Minecart Powered Minecart Crafting
Poháněný vozík.
Storage Minecart Chest a Minecart Crafting Storage Minecart
Truhla ve vozíku vhodná pro transport surovin.
Boat 5 Wooden Planks Crafting Boat
Zrychluje pohyb ve vodě.

Další užitečné recepty

Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Redstone Torch Redstone Dust a Stick Crafting Red Torch
Vysílá elektřinu a vydává slabé světlo.
Lever Cobblestone a Stick Crafting Lever
Vysílá/nevysílá elektřinu.
Pressure Plates 3 Stone nebo 3 Wooden Planks Crafting Pressure Plates1
Vysílají elektřinu, pokud na nich stojí hráč nebo mob.
Doors 6 Wooden Planks nebo 6 Iron Ingots Crafting Doors
Železné dveře jdou otevřít pouze pomocí elektřiny. Dřevěné lze navíc otevřít kliknutím.
Trapdoor 6 Wooden Planks
Crafting Trapdoor
Lze použít jako dveře u svislých šachet.
Stone Button Stone Crafting Stone Button
Po stisknutí vyšle elektřinu.
Jukebox 8 Wooden Planks a 1 Diamond Crafting Jukebox
Přehrává nahrávky.
Note Block 8 Wooden Planks a 1 Redstone Dust Crafting Note Block
Po kliknutí zahraje zvuk, který se mění podle bloku, na kterém je Note Block umístěn.
Dispenser 7 Cobblestone a Bow a Redstone Dust Crafting DispenserPoskytuje prostor pro 9 stacků soruvin. Po připojení elektřiny náhodně vystřeluje suroviny. Sněhové koule, vejce a šípy jsou vystřelovány jako projektily.
Redstone Repeater 3 Stone a Redstone Dust a 2 Redstone Torches Redstone Repeater
Používán jako dioda, repeater nebo delayer.
Piston 3 Wooden Planks a 4 Cobblestone aIron Ingot a Redstone Dust
Crafting Piston
Slouží k posunování bloků (nemůže však blok přitáhnout k sobě).
Sticky Piston Piston a Slimeball
Crafting Sticky Piston
Slouží k posunování bloků (může blok přitáhnout k sobě).

Recepty na jídlo

Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Bread 3 Wheat Crafting Bread
Uzdraví 2,5 zdraví.
Mushroom Stew Red Mushroom a Brown Mushroom a Bowl Crafting Mushroom Stew
Uzdraví 5 zdraví.
Bowls 3 Wooden Planks Crafting Bowls
Golden Apple 8 Gold Blocks a Apple Crafting Golden Apple
Uzdraví 10 zdraví.
Sugar Sugar Cane Crafting Sugar
Potřebný k výrobě dortu.
Cake 3 Milk, 2 Sugar, 3 Wheat a Egg Crafting Cake
Uzdraví 1,5 zdraví. Lze použít 6x.

Ostatní recepty.

Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Paper 3 Reeds Crafting Paper
Používán k výrobě knih.
Fences 6 Sticks Crafting Fence
Plot nelze přeskočit.
Ladder 7 Sticks Crafting Ladder
Book 3 Paper Crafting Book
Potřebná při tvorbě knihovny.
Sign 6 Wooden Planks a Stick Crafting Sign
Zobrazuje 4 řádky hráčem zadaného textu.
Ore Iron, Diamond, Gold nebo Lapis Lazuli Blocks Crafting Ore1
Painting Sticks a Cloth Crafting Painting
Při umístění se zobrazí náhodný obraz.
Bed 3 Wool a 3 Wooden Planks Bed
Lze použít pouze v noci. Hráč se probudí za plného světla.


Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Rose Red Dye Rose Crafting Rose Red
Orange Dye Rose Red Dye a Dandelion Yellow Dye Crafting Orange Dye
Dandelion Yellow Dye Dandelion Crafting Dandelion Yellow
Lime Dye Cactus Green a Bonemeal Crafting Lime Dye
Light Blue Dye Lapis Lazuli a Bonemeal Crafting Light Blue Dye
Cyan Dye Lapis Lazuli a Cactus Green Crafting Cyan Dye1
Pink Dye Rose Red a Bonemeal Crafting Pink Dye
Magenta Dye Purple Dye a Pink Dye Crafting Magenta Dye
Purple Dye Rose Red a Lapis Lazuli Crafting Purple Dye
Light Gray Dye Ink Sack a 2 Bone Meal Crafting Light Gray DyeCrafting Light Grey Dye 2
Gray Dye Ink Sack a Bone Meal Crafting Gray Dye
Bone Meal (White Dye) Bone Crafting Bone Meal White Dye
Slouží k výrobě barviva nebo k okamžitému růstu rostlin.


Jméno Suroviny Vstup >> Výstup
Red Wool Wool a Rose Red Crafting Red Wool
Green Wool Wool a Cactus Green Crafting Green Wool
Orange Wool Wool a Orange Dye Crafting Orange Wool
Yellow Wool Wool a Dandelion Yellow Crafting Yellow Wool
Light Blue Wool Wool a Light Blue Dye Crafting Light Blue Wool
Cyan Wool Wool a Cyan Dye Crafting Cyan Wool
Blue Wool Wool a Lapis Lazuli Crafting Blue Wool
Pink Wool Wool a Pink Dye Crafting Pink Wool
Magenta Wool Wool a Magenta Wool Crafting Magenta Wool
Purple Wool Wool a Purple Dye Crafting Purple Wool
Light Gray Wool Wool a Light Gray Dye Crafting Light Gray Wool
Grey Wool Wool a Grey Dye Crafting Gray Wool
Black Wool Wool a Ink Sack Crafting Black Wool



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SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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By ramboUnpak


Nutaku is an adult gaming platform with primarily hentai games. Located in Canada, Nutaku offers games with mature content. The platform focuses on browser, downloadable and mobile games,<>] offering microtransactions and purchasable options. As of early 2020, Nutaku had 50 million registered users.<>] Nutaku offers a large pool of 450+<>] free-to-play and paid titles of various genres, including action-adventure, massively multiplayer online game, real-time strategy, tower defense, dating sim, clicker, collectible card game, puzzle, turn-based strategy (TBS), strategy, visual novels, kinetic novels, and virtual reality.

SOURCE: https://wikipedia.com
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